Cheat Warcraft III The Frozen Throne PC - Nih kali ini saya bagi bagi Cheat Warcraft III The Frozen Throne PC. ayo buruan sedot gan. siapa tau permainanya lebih gampang dengan Cheat ini :
Result Cheat Code
Invincibility and one-hit kills whosyourdaddy
Infinite mana thereisnospoon
Continue playing after losing in strengthandhonor
campaign mode
Full map iseedeadpeople
Instant victory allyourbasearebelongtous
Instant defeat somebodysetusupthebomb
Your and allies heroes arelevel 10 ihavethepower
Remove spell cool down thedudeabides
Disable victory conditions itvexesme
Gold; 500 is default keysersoze [number]
Lumber; 500 is default leafittome [number]
Gold and lumber; 500 is default greedisgood [number]
Fast construction warpten
Fast death iocainepowder
Food pointbreak
Fast research whoisjohngalt
Upgrades sharpandshiny
Tech tree unlocked synergy
Set time to morning riseandshine
Set time to evening lightsout
Set time of day daylightsavings [hour]
Toggle daylight progression daylightsavings
Trees disappear abrakadabra
Level select [Note]motherland [race] [level]
Mohon maaf karena Struktur peletakkan Cheat Warcraft III The Frozen Throne PCyang agak berantakkan, Semoga itu tidak membuat semangat anda menurun.
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